Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

It's been a busy Mother's Day weekend over here. Friday we spent the evening at the assisted living where my grandmother lives. Cheesecake and coffee (which I don't drink) were served while we visited with my grandmother but the highlight was the live entertainment. A lady was serenading the audience while playing a dulcimer and she had chosen some rather interesting lyrics. It seems we were in the preparatory stage.....apparently the audience needed a reminder about how close they were to the "end" of their adventure. I heard a lot about how soon we would be meeting Jesus and the tranquility of heaven. I'm not so sure the folks in the assisted living facility needed the reality check. 

Saturday proved to be a bit more lively. I went to a farmer's market and bought eggs and these lovely tomatoes. So, you guessed it, we had fried green tomatoes, ratatouille and warm goat cheese salad for lunch. Delicious. 

Sunday has been the crescendo to a weekend filled with activity. We spent the day in Asheville looking at cool crafts, art and sampling a few culinary masterpieces. It was debated whether Andrew needed this tiny hat to make a BIG statement at school but in the end he decided purple wasn't his color. 
Even though he decided against the hat. The theme for the day was how much he needed a necklace. I'm not sure why or where this came from but we never found anything cool enough for him to sport on Monday's field trip. The only logical thing for me to do at this point was come home and make an adornment suitable for the occasion. I new I would find a way to sneak a craft in this weekend and the cheesy smile must mean he loved it too. Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. I am a bit disappointed that Andrew did not get the tiny hat as he wore it well - but the necklace looks cool. I couldn't tell from the picture what you used to make it. It sounds like it was a good Mother's Day weekend for you!
