Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Each year we plan our family vacation for the month of August. I really like waiting until the end of the summer season, its something to look forward to and I like having "mini" vacations throughout the summer. For me, that entails craft festivals, backpacking and music. Then at the end of summer we have a week of relaxation and fun. I have spent the last two nights, totaling 10 hours, searching for beach accommodations. I typically never invest this much time to vacation planning but this year is going to be a bit different. We are taking my soon to be 92 year old grandmother!

I can't say this hasn't been met without trepidation from my mom but after a little discussion I think she's comes to terms with the situation. I think we all know this is the last worldly trip she will ever go on and I also know nothing would make her happier than to spend an entire week with her family. Of course, I don't want anything to happen to her but I can also say if she left this world during or shortly after this trip it will have been one of the happiest moments in her life.

Maybe we should think of things in those terms. Is what I'm doing today making me truly happy? If this was my last week or day can I say I spent it wisely?

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Grand Finale

Technically my 30 days ended a few days ago but since I haven't posted in a couple of days and I want to keep my word I decided tonight I would add several photos from my hike today.

I was so inspired by all the beauty I witnessed today I came home and completed a project (with a little help) I have been wanting to do for a while. I can't wait to start another "30 days" of something. Any ideas?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I truly feel all of us are destined for greatness, where things seem to fall apart (in my opinion) is when you are faced with the moment a decision must be made and you fail to recognize its significance. Maybe its in those moments where we determine what part of our body we're going to listen to, heart, mind or soul. Travel the road you were destined for.

Monday, June 18, 2012


Sometimes not knowing what lies ahead is the best part.

Sometimes ease of access doesn't always equal quality.

Sometimes there is peace in solitude.

Sometimes you need help cleaning up life's messes.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Step Back in Time

I spent the biggest part of my weekend back in a little hollow in Roan Mountain, Tennessee. We stayed in a cozy one bedroom house that is filled with lots of character and family history. This was my first time staying in the tiny house but for another moment it was filled with laughter and family fellowship

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Every once and a while I finish a project. This was not a huge undertaking and I like how it turned out. Besides, every girl needs a little flair! Even my mamaw knows that!!

Neighborhood families

Praying Mantis: 
Can swivel head 180 degrees or more-great quality for the neighborhood watchmen (or woman)
Strictly predatory-should be in charge of ridding the neighborhood or undesireables
Also noted to be the name of a Rock Band-possibly the entertainment for the neighborhood

 Swallowtail Butterfly:
Graceful, striking beauty, pollinator-may be the diva in this neighborhood.

Hard worker, devoted to the group, provider-family oriented. 

Cause 1 isn't enough

Alexander Hamilton 



Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Island of Misfit Crafts

It's been another busy week so far but I have managed to sprinkle in a little craft time. Sadly, it's a plethora of unfinished tasks. Of course, there are many more ideas dying to make it out of my head and into the tangible world they just have to wait there turn. I'm not sure what is more depressing, not being able to get out, or not being able to realize your full potential. See, these crafts need your help!!


Black Widow spiders are my favorite arachnid. Actually, I'm not a fan of spiders at all but I have grown to appreciate the beauty of this spider. Their sleek glossy black legs and body seems rather glamorous to me. One of my flower pots has been an ecosystem of death for two years ( I like how that sounds) but recently her world was literally overturned and I haven't gotten around to reconstructing the environment. Maybe I'll get around to doing that. I don't mind sharing space with these ladies, I've certainly shared space with worse, less attractive creatures.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Stance of the Poppys

It isn't often I pass by an entire tract of land covered in a tapestry of brilliantly colored flowers. The bulbous heads of the poppys graciously sway in tune with the gently breeze. Each movement seeming to be the last as you envision their rotund tops snapping off with the next movement. Thankfully they remain stoic and unrelenting against nature's sighs.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

An early morning visitor

It isn't often I am able to find a lovely insect waiting for me at my door. So when this precious palette of color beckoned to come in I couldn't resist photographing it. I'm sure you will see why.

As much as I love visitors I thought I would relocate this beauty onto a plant and hope that it was able to fly away before it became breakfast for something else.

It soon flew away and was off on another journey and I was inspired by the many colors it wore. I decided to drag my paints out and work on a project with endless possibilities.

Back from the grave

Last week was an extremely busy week. I helped with vacation bible school 5 nights so obviously I have been behind on the blogging. Hopefully the pics will make up for the lost time. :)

After a very chaotic week I was fortunate enough to enjoy good food, good peeps and a great environment. Lance, Dennis and I had breakfast at Tupelo Honey. This is absolutely one of my favorite places to eat. Once our bellies were filled with tasty morsels we were on our way through the Blue Ridge Parkway to begin our hike.

We hiked through Graveyard Fields following the rolling sounds of water. This place will be bear heaven in another 4-6 weeks. Wild blueberry and blackberry bushes were everywhere. It was beautiful and the weather was perfect.

The dogs looked like this the entire time we were hiking. They had the best time.

Sometimes beauty can be find in the most unassuming things. I really like the perspective of the fence line. It lends itself to many interpretations. The bright colors of the mushroom just seem to be the perfect thing to make it "pop" into sight against the floor of the forest. 

The contrast of the almost completely white rock against the dark colors of the creek bed and vibrant greens of the foliage was an interesting sight. Most of the geology seemed to have a lot of quartz and shimmering flecks of gold like minerals. 

Graveyard Fields has upper and lower falls, don't worry, the name isn't suggestive of treachery with this hike. I think the name came from the once overturned spruce trees. The vertical nature of the roots from the overturned trees resembled gravestones. However, I think a fire destroyed the "look" but the name remained.


Monday, June 4, 2012

Sweet Memories

When I was a little girl my grandpa had a working farm. He raised livestock and had two gardens that fed the family. This was a great place to play and learn a lot of lessons about life and death. I played in the fields of his farm through each season enjoying things from sledding to gathering wild flowers. One thing I remember vividly was the scent of a particular shrub. Often called Allspice shrub or Bubby Bush (yes, odd names) it was once used for sachets and fragrances for women. Even though I'm fond of the sweetness of the shrub I really just love the nostalgia.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Nature's fragile beauty

I've been trying to keep up with the 30 days of nature concept I started several days ago. I personally think all the pictures I've posted will fit into this category so I haven't been keeping a tally. However, I do think it's only fair I specifically mention her beauty when it's the focus (no pun intended) of the picture.

I bought this plant at a local farmer's market a couple of weeks ago. Of course I can't remember the name of it but I wanted a perennial to put in my flower garden. I'm boycotting annuals this year unless it's edible. Anyway, I didn't really pay attention to how beautiful these delicate fuschia colored flowers really are until I looked closely. I love the paleness in the middle with the barely visible veins on the petals.

What's more natural than mud?

I have been trying to learn how to do pottery. I will say it's not been an easy task and I am still a long way from selling anything. However, I finally feel like I'm making some gains. If you want to take a peek at what I've been  working on visit my other blog The Crafty Thistle. Enjoy!!

All Fingers and Green Thumbs

This shows about 1/2 or what we really have planted. What you can't see are a few raised beds and the corn Lance planted, well we can't see that either since it hasn't made it through the ground yet. Yesterday we (mostly Lance) fashioned a bean trellis made from bamboo. I think it looks so cool! 

Which leads me to my next project (I hope), Andrew has been wanting a teepee in the back. Maybe that will make it's debut soon!