Monday, November 26, 2012

Mixed Media Monday

Hope everyone has had time to enjoy many blessings over the Thanksgiving holiday.  Fortunately, I have had a few days off and I spent several hours cleaning out my art supplies. Believe it or not, I was able to downsize my magazine/book collection. Crazy.

 I decided to let creativity overtake me and it turns out today was watercolor day. Who knew? I began looking through some books I had forgotten about for some inspiration and I finally found a starting point. Just in case you are unaware, faces are hard to paint.

I first sketched the figure on watercolor paper and then commenced to painting. Once it was dried I cut it out and added it to the painted background. So, I have a few things to work on (obviously) and I have decided to refrain from commenting at this time. Once the paint dries I will continue adding objects and layers. At this point the message embedded in this collage is still being decided.

Aside from the cleaning and purging I also managed to open an account for my photographs. If you are interested in taking a peek at the small gallery I have upload please click on the link
Happy creating!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Where did the time go?

WOW! I have really fallen behind on the blog. Sorry. Unfortunately I don't have a good reason so I'm just going to chalk it up to the new time change and maybe a little thing called seasonal affective disorder. 
We have been able to do a little hiking and I always enjoy that activity! If you aren't privileged to live in the mountains during the fall I strongly recommend a day trip just to see how beautiful they are with their new fall colors.
  Beauty can be found in the tiniest of things. I love the contrast in the leaves regardless of how it got there.
It's also a great time to be with friends! Dennis and Casey always make for great company! Casey and our dog, Ben, have a blast running through the woods. And Dennis usually brings a musical instrument so there is always a concert when we hike.
When you finally reach the end of your hike the views are so picturesque you forget all about how hard it was to get there. Kinda like the things in life you work hard to accomplish, in the end it was all worth it.
I hope you enjoy today and take some time for you. This hike was brought to you by the letter "Y". ~Rachel