Monday, November 26, 2012

Mixed Media Monday

Hope everyone has had time to enjoy many blessings over the Thanksgiving holiday.  Fortunately, I have had a few days off and I spent several hours cleaning out my art supplies. Believe it or not, I was able to downsize my magazine/book collection. Crazy.

 I decided to let creativity overtake me and it turns out today was watercolor day. Who knew? I began looking through some books I had forgotten about for some inspiration and I finally found a starting point. Just in case you are unaware, faces are hard to paint.

I first sketched the figure on watercolor paper and then commenced to painting. Once it was dried I cut it out and added it to the painted background. So, I have a few things to work on (obviously) and I have decided to refrain from commenting at this time. Once the paint dries I will continue adding objects and layers. At this point the message embedded in this collage is still being decided.

Aside from the cleaning and purging I also managed to open an account for my photographs. If you are interested in taking a peek at the small gallery I have upload please click on the link
Happy creating!!!


  1. What an awesome Monday you had! I LOVE the painting and I can't wait to see what you add to it next. The photos on zenfolio are beautiful as well. I had never seen the one with the leaf and ice/snow. It was amazing.
    Yay for a creative day.

  2. Wow!!You did a great job on this!!! it reminds me of Kelly Rae Roberts work! : ]
