Sunday, May 27, 2012

More than a mouthful....

I'll be the first to admit, this is not award winning photography (yes, I know I said that about the previous entry) but it's not every day you get a chance to capture this image. 


  1. was this taken with digital zoom? i get this sort of graininess when i use it. but then, i have a nikon coolpix (p.o.s. series)... :)

  2. Is this in your backyard - or out on the trail somewhere? I like the picture, because it looks like the start or middle of a great story. :)

  3. This photo was taken in Indianapolis on the Eli Lilly estate and I walked around this tree about 3 times before I could convince this squirrel I wasn't going to steal his food. No zoom just hard to get. :)

  4. Was this before or after the infamous snake encounter? :) ~Jil

  5. Oh this was before.....only moments though :)
