Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I said everything under the sun

Before I started this blog I created about 4 others. They never seemed to take shape and it was so addicting to come up with all these cute names. I would get excited in the beginning and then they would fade into the background....UNTIL NOW. Jil gave me a great idea, since I am finding myself loving this blog and it pained me to think I needed to delete the others, UmbrEllis is going to be the portal to the others!! This may be a gradual process because I have some pretty awesome ideas for the others but for now I will start small so enjoy this delicious treat.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed when you said that I gave you this idea recently. I actually thought this was what you were planning to use Umbrellis for when you created it in March. So I may have just reminded you of it. I am excited to read these posts and I like the new format.
