Saturday, April 21, 2012

Urban Sprawl

I love love love nature and I love hiking but I usually hate hate hate going to the grocery store. Not this day!!!! I saved this beautiful moth!!! As I was placing my groceries in the back of my car I happened to look down and noticed this beauty on a tire. Well.....I had to get it off there!! So I gently placed it into my car and away we went. When I arrived home I took it out and placed it on a tree. It made me rather anxious just waiting for it to move or fly away. I'm sure PETA members might argue I shouldn't have taken the moth (it's ok, I'm a member)....or maybe I have somehow upset the natural order of moths (I don't really think they are suppose inhabit a Goodyear) so I sit and wait....wait....wait. OH WAIT NO MORE.....away it went! Grocery shopping isn't so bad after all


  1. What a sweet story Rachel - and a beautiful big moth. You saved a life today. :)

  2. i notice one of its antennae is damaged. perhaps that's why it was sheltering in a wheel well? haha, "this card may be used only"... to rescue moths! + you could use this picture as a template, to make a moth mask for halloween. the eyeholes are already there... :^)
