Tuesday, July 10, 2012


A few weeks ago I traveled (a long way) to a book fair. I purchased several books with 1/2 of them relating to crafts and art. I've had a few days to look at the colorful pictures and painting techniques in some of my treasures and I decided to try one of the simple procedures and I'm rather fond of the way it looks.

The process for making fun string paintings is super easy and a lot of fun. This was made using acrylic paints I purchased from Michael's. I squirted small paint dots/blogs in different colors in a horizontal row. Once I had a line of paints almost the length of the paper. Hold the sting in both hand and pull until there is a small amount of tension. Gently roll the string through the paints until it's covered with paints. Then place the string on another piece of paper. Here is where the fun begins, you can let the string randomly fall or purposely design your painting. I chose to let it go wherever it wanted.

You could take this technique in so many directions. Place another piece of paper over your initial painting and you could have mirror images. I thought it would be kinda cool to take the string painting and see if anything visually jumped  out. For instance, in the first picture I see someone in the right hand lower corner dancing. Now I can paint in additional items and create an entire scene for the dancer.

1 comment:

  1. Fun!! I see the dancer in the first. In the second one I see a mother looking lovingly into her baby's crib. :)
