Thursday, September 27, 2012


 I may have mentioned in a previous post a lady from my church had recently passed away. She was a young woman with two daughters who are under the age of 13. I didn't know her very well but we had a common thread in that we both serve in the children's ministry. The prayer flags were such a big hit at the skilled nursing facility and The River I thought this would be a good gift for the little girls as well. I also wanted to make something that could be used in several different ways as a means to remember their mom.
Some of the items I used in the flags were items from other projects. The colored strings above were used during an experimental painting project. I thought the rainbow of colors made a nice touch and since rainbows are also utilized in Christian symbolism it seemed only fitting.

This is a polymer clay bead I made a few years ago and just never knew what to do with it. I'm glad it finally found a home.
I chose not to write anything on the middle flag. When I give this to the family Sunday I will include some information on prayer flags and how they can be used as a beneficial piece during the grieving process. I will also let them know the bird flag was left without text should they desire to write their own message for their mom. ~Peace

1 comment:

  1. These are beautiful Rachel. What a great memory gift to share with this family!
